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The Value of ‘Parole in Place’: Keeping Immigrant Families Together

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Resources

The discussion around immigration often refers to procedures and legislative issues, but rarely focuses on the human aspect, specifically, the families impacted by immigration policies. Recently, the topic of ‘Parole in Place’ (PIP) has gained some attention and is now recognized as an essential tool to stop the separation of military families due to their immigration status.

Parole in Place (PIP) is a discretionary service provided by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that allows people who entered the country without inspection to adjust their status without leaving the US if they have immediate family in the military. Introduced in 2013, the PIP policy is one that considers humanitarian factors, public interest, and familial unity.

The existence of PIP brings a sigh of relief, particularly for spouses, children, and parents of active U.S. military personnel, reservists, and veterans. They may apply for PIP, which effectively freezes their immigration status; they will then not face deportation, and can proceed to apply for a green card.

The transformative potential of the PIP system lies in its power to preserve familial bonds by allowing those properly paroled into the United States to bypass the limitations of the conventional immigration process, which typically demands a minimum ten-year law-abiding absence before legalization is possible.

There is, however, a cause for concern. Although the use of PIP is deeply ingrained in immigration policy, it is subject to the whims of administrative changes. This ongoing uncertainty fuels fear and scrutiny amongst the immigrant population it serves to protect, posing potential difficulties to military service members and their families.

Finally, despite its far-reaching benefits, effective use of PIP is still relatively unexplored. Besides, other vulnerable immigrant communities, such as those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, also need similar protections, underlining the urgent need for comprehensive immigration reform.

This summary draws on the crucial insights shared by the Immigration Impact in their article titled ‘Keeping Families Together Through Parole in Place.’ We sincerely acknowledge their contribution to raising awareness about such an invaluable immigration provision that bridges the gap between legislation and humanity.

This succinct exploration aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of the PIP policy and its implications. Keeping families together and emphasizing common humanity must always lie at the heart of immigration discourse and policies.

(Original article: https://immigrationimpact.com/2024/08/22/keeping-families-together-parole-in-place/)


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Atty. Kunal P. Tewani

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