TN NAFTA Professionals


The TN (Treaty NAFTA) visa category permits qualified Canadian and Mexican citizens to seek temporary entry into the United States to engage in professional business activities. Please note the regulations provide a list of eligible professional positions eligible under the TN Visa.

TN visa holders may bring dependents (spouses and unmarried children under 21) under TD visas but dependents are not authorized to work in the U.S.

Eligibility Criteria

  • A citizen of Canada or Mexico
  • The profession qualifies under the regulations
  • The position in the United States requires a NAFTA professional
  • Prearranged full-time or part-time job with a U.S. employer (self-employment is not eligible)
  • You have the qualifications to practice in the profession

Length of Stay

TN visa holders are typically granted initial stays of up to three years, with the possibility of extensions in increments of up to three years. However, the TN visa holder must maintain a residence in Canada or Mexico and intend to return there at the end of their authorized stay.

What We Do

  • Provide guidance on the scope of activities permissible under the TN Visa
  • Provide assistance in preparing the TN Visa Application and provide guidance on evidence required
  • Review applications to identify potential concerns that may affect the outcome of the application
  • Provide assistance for TN Visa holders in the United States that wish to Extend their Visa or apply for a Change of Status

Additional Details

TN visa holders may travel freely in and out of the U.S. during the validity of their visa. Furthermore, there are no numerical limitations on the issuance of TN visas, unlike other visa categories.

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We have successfully assisted Businesses and Individuals identify their immigration requirements, determine eligibility, develop strategies, prepare applications and respond to USCIS Requests.

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